Each month we will highlight a different trait. For example, during the month of August we are learning about optimism. The trait will be posted on our class focus board.
Besides learning what the character trait means, we also want students to practice using the trait and noticing when classmates and book characters use the trait. You may have seen the green August character trait calendar in your child's binder.
Students were challenged to fill in the examples and definitions and to find ways to show optimism at school and at home. A list of activities were given to them. As they complete an activity, they can cut it out and glue it to the calendar.
They do not have to do an activity for every day, but they are encouraged to do as many as possible. They will turn their calendar in at the end of the month. Students who participate and give thoughtful responses will be considered for character trait brag tags!
In addition to our class character trait program, the school is asking all students to memorize the Character Counts Pledge. This is one of the requirements for earning their associates degree through our school wide collegiate program. A copy has been placed in your child's binder.
Please help us to reenforce these character traits. Ask your child how they showed optimism today. Help to point out when someone is being optimistic. Encourage them to complete the character trait calendar and memorize the pledge.
Thanks for al that you do!
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